5 return missionaries who were certainly excited about the organization of the 1st stake in Mongolia, it was truly historic to be apart of. All of these sisters, with the exception of one, were companions of mine during the mission. They organized one stake and created two districts. Elder Hallstram, the president of the 70 and the Asian area president, came and spoke. With the creation of the stake all the branch presidents became bishops, but the most exciting thing is that their will be a partriach called. The members are SO excited about receiving patriatrical blessings! Elder Hallstram talked about when Elder Nelson came and prophecied about their not just being a stake, but many stakes in Mongolia. Pretty cool, tiim biz dee! Many members attended the conference, which was not held in the church because they don't have a stake center yet. So many people that came stood the entire meeting. It is so neat to come back and see the wards bigger and stronger. It was neat to watch people be baptized, but it is even more neat to watch them grow in the church, attend the temple, be faithful in their callings and have family prayer and family scripture study. Missionary work is truly the most fulfilling work on the earth!! This picture was takin after the meeting.
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